Tasting Notes
NOSE: The aroma appears complex & very rich with a palate of delicious scents. It conceals a subtle burst of pepper: spicy notes softened by the floral aroma expressing finesse & elegance. Several very slight hints of cardamom & cinnamon, aromas of crystallized fruit follow the fragrance of dry roses. Other more complex fragrances such as touches of honey & truffle or wild rose preserve burst forth in subtle flashes. A veritable fireworks display for the senses.
TASTE: The spicy & crystallized fruit fragrances invade the palate in a masterly fashion. This intensity, this strength of Taste in the mouth develops slowly, & releases a bouquet of aromas whose complexity & finesse are more difficult to pin down than those sensed by aroma. Nothing disappears, everything comes forth bit by bit, aromas take their place & organize themselves in a silky harmony with a long-lasting Taste on the palate.
OVERALL: The Style of Paradis Extra: Paradis Extra, heady & sensual as a tuberose, crossed by spicy points or mellowed by fragrant bursts of dried flowers. Plays its aromatic paradoxes to present itself in successive waves of pleasure.