Christian Drouin - Le Gin Pira Pear | French Gin

PHP 2,490

Spirit Type: Gin
Country: France
ABV: 42%
Bottle Size: 700ml

Availability: In stock


Christian Drouin Le Gin Pira Pear is an exquisite gin crafted by the renowned Calvados producer Christian Drouin. Known for their expertise in apple brandies, the Drouin family brings their deep understanding of fruit distillation to the creation of this unique gin. Le Gin Pira Pear is a delightful blend that combines traditional gin botanicals with the distinctive flavor of pear, specifically using Normandy pears to infuse the spirit with a fresh and fruity character. This gin represents a harmonious marriage of classic gin craftsmanship and innovative fruit infusion.

Tasting Notes

The aroma is inviting and aromatic, with the fresh, sweet scent of ripe pears immediately apparent. Underneath the pear, traditional gin botanicals such as juniper and coriander provide a balanced, herbal complexity. Subtle notes of citrus and spice add depth to the bouquet.

On the palate, Le Gin Pira Pear is smooth and elegant. The pear flavor is prominent but not overpowering, melding beautifully with the juniper and other botanicals. There is a natural sweetness from the pear that complements the gin's herbal and spicy notes, including hints of angelica and cardamom.

The finish is clean and refreshing, with a lingering sweetness of pear and a gentle warmth from the spices. The botanical blend leaves a lasting impression, making each sip a well-rounded and delightful experience.


Bottle Size:
Christian Drouin

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